
Julie Alexander 06-08-2023
Julie Alexander

为什么你会感到不安全? 为什么你会吸引有毒的人出现在你的生活中? 为什么你需要你的伴侣让你感到完整? 所有这些问题的答案都在于你的童年经历和与你的主要照顾者/父母的互动。 这个依恋风格测验,仅由7个问题组成,将帮助你了解你的依恋风格是什么。

See_also: BlackPeopleMeet - 你应该知道的一切

首先,拥有安全依恋风格的人具有同情心,能够设定健康的界限,并在恋爱关系中感到更安全和稳定。 另一方面,不安全的依恋风格可以分为三种类型:

  • 回避型-厌恶型:把他们的伴侣推开,对他们撒谎,有外遇,寻求独立
  • 焦虑-矛盾:过度需要/粘人,有办法压倒他们的伴侣
  • 混乱:吸引虐待性伙伴或有毒关系,寻求戏剧性/不安全的经历

最后,对于不安全依恋风格的人来说,最重要的提示是选择那些善良、让人放心、信任和可靠的人。 这将使他们感到安全、有保障和有家的感觉。 如果他们选择情感不到位的人,只会更加引发他们的恐惧。 我们如何帮助他们做出这种健康的选择? 我们Bonobology小组的咨询师可以帮助你在改变你的行为模式,并促使你从童年的创伤中康复。

See_also: 如何在一段关系中原谅和忘记

Julie Alexander

Melissa Jones is a relationship expert and licensed therapist with over 10 years of experience helping couples and individuals decode the secrets to happier and healthier relationships. She holds a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and has worked in a variety of settings, including community mental health clinics and private practice. Melissa is passionate about helping people build stronger connections with their partners and achieve long-lasting happiness in their relationships. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, practicing yoga, and spending time with her own loved ones. Through her blog, Decode Happier, Healthier Relationship, Melissa hopes to share her knowledge and experience with readers around the world, helping them find the love and connection they desire.