
Julie Alexander 12-10-2023
Julie Alexander

依赖性是你能与某人分享的最有毒和最不正常的纽带之一。 这不一定是一个浪漫的伙伴--可能是父母、朋友、兄弟姐妹或亲戚。 这个简短而简单的测验将帮助你弄清你是否处于依赖性关系中。

关系和亲密关系教练希瓦尼亚说:"当一方滑向照顾者的角色,另一方成为受害者时,你就有了自己的依赖关系。 前者是一个不顾一切的给予者/支持者,为受害者/接受者做出牺牲。"

See_also: 如果你爱上了天秤座的女人,需要知道的11件事

"他们进入一个循环,其中一方需要持续的支持、关注和帮助,而另一方则非常愿意提供支持。" 你是类似循环的一部分吗? 做这个测试来找出答案吧

最后,向心理健康专家求助是非常有益的。 许多人在治疗的帮助下从依赖关系中走出来,变得更加强大。 在Bonobology,我们通过一系列有执照的治疗师和咨询师提供专业帮助--你可以在家里舒适地踏上康复之路。

See_also: 如何忽视出轨丈夫的12个技巧--心理学家告诉我们

Julie Alexander

Melissa Jones is a relationship expert and licensed therapist with over 10 years of experience helping couples and individuals decode the secrets to happier and healthier relationships. She holds a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and has worked in a variety of settings, including community mental health clinics and private practice. Melissa is passionate about helping people build stronger connections with their partners and achieve long-lasting happiness in their relationships. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, practicing yoga, and spending time with her own loved ones. Through her blog, Decode Happier, Healthier Relationship, Melissa hopes to share her knowledge and experience with readers around the world, helping them find the love and connection they desire.