
Julie Alexander 12-08-2024
Julie Alexander

如果你说:"当我对他说不时,我丈夫会生气。"请放心,你不是唯一有这种感觉的女人。 丈夫确实会因为缺乏亲密关系而感到不安,他们发现在他们有心情时很难接受拒绝。 这就是为什么知道如何在不伤害他的情况下对性生活说不很重要。



你如何对你的伴侣说不呢? 如果直接说出来似乎太尴尬,你可以用你的肢体语言或某些微妙的暗示来传达信息。 例如,如果你通常穿内衣睡觉,那么在你不喜欢的晚上坚持穿你的睡衣。 如果他问你为什么穿得不同,你有完美的机会告诉他这是因为你只是想在一段关系中,你必须设定情感界限。


See_also: 对男人来说,婚姻结束的14种迹象


对性生活说 "不 "不一定会导致关系紧张。 同时,你也不必在你没有准备好的时候强迫自己进入亲密关系。"我丈夫在我说 "不 "的时候撅嘴 "或 "我的男朋友在我没有心情的时候会生气",这些都是女性常说的。

See_also: 控制欲强的女人的13个迹象

如何在不伤害他的情况下对性说不,关键是让他知道你说 "不 "与你对伴侣或关系的感觉无关。 试着用非性的亲密姿态来弥补,让他感觉到彼此的亲近。 你可以试着依偎在他身边,邀请他拥抱,或者只是在你们入睡时用勺子拥抱。


Julie Alexander

Melissa Jones is a relationship expert and licensed therapist with over 10 years of experience helping couples and individuals decode the secrets to happier and healthier relationships. She holds a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and has worked in a variety of settings, including community mental health clinics and private practice. Melissa is passionate about helping people build stronger connections with their partners and achieve long-lasting happiness in their relationships. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, practicing yoga, and spending time with her own loved ones. Through her blog, Decode Happier, Healthier Relationship, Melissa hopes to share her knowledge and experience with readers around the world, helping them find the love and connection they desire.