
Julie Alexander 08-04-2024
Julie Alexander

为什么是多角关系? 你可能是多角关系的迹象是什么? 多角关系是健康的吗? 它们能持久吗? 别担心,我们支持你!这个简短而容易的测验将帮助你决定你是否适合多角关系。

See_also: 15个简单的迹象表明你的前男友想让你回来 多重性关系--超越单一性关系...



正如心理健康专家迪帕克-卡夏普(Deepak Kashyap)所指出的,"出轨和多配偶制之间的区别在于,后者涉及'知情'和'热情'的同意。" 据他说,多配偶制有两个主要问题:

  • 担心我的伴侣会找到比我更好的人(我还不够好)。
  • 失去据说是我的人的不安全感

最后,多角关系涉及很多问题。 嫉妒和不安全感是最常见的问题。 在这种情况下,要驾驭这些问题并与你的伴侣沟通并不容易,在这种情况下,咨询认证的治疗师可以帮助你。 只要点击一下,我们来自Bonobology小组的咨询师就会出现。

See_also: 使天蝎座女人具有吸引力的13个独特特征

Julie Alexander

Melissa Jones is a relationship expert and licensed therapist with over 10 years of experience helping couples and individuals decode the secrets to happier and healthier relationships. She holds a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and has worked in a variety of settings, including community mental health clinics and private practice. Melissa is passionate about helping people build stronger connections with their partners and achieve long-lasting happiness in their relationships. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, practicing yoga, and spending time with her own loved ones. Through her blog, Decode Happier, Healthier Relationship, Melissa hopes to share her knowledge and experience with readers around the world, helping them find the love and connection they desire.