"我对我的前男友有感觉吗? 做个简单的测试就知道了

Julie Alexander 29-10-2024
Julie Alexander

你正在听一首Bazzi的歌,正在回忆你们关系中的美好部分。 你有点醉了,怀旧,而且好色。 你开始想念你的前任。 你想念你们在一切走下坡路之前的联系。 你只是想听到他们的声音......

See_also: 当一个男人被女人拉走时,会发生什么? 27件事的真实清单

你是否觉得上述情况与你有关? 如果是,那么你是否真的忘了你的前任? 他们是否总是在你的脑海中游荡? 你是否每次看完肉麻的浪漫电影都会想念他们? 或者你已经烧掉了他们所有的情书,抹去他们在你心中的存在?

你的前男友是否像你无法摆脱的弹出通知一样不断回到你的生活中? 是不是选择性失忆症让你忘记了所有你用几盒纸巾擦干眼泪的时候? 这个简短而简单的测验正是对你的现实检查

See_also: 如何让出轨的男友感到难过--11种万无一失的方法

从你的前男友那里继续生活下去,这可能是一个棘手的情况,需要你独自解决。 这时,专家可以帮助你更好地了解你的情绪。 我们来自Bonobology小组的咨询师,只需点击一下就可以。

Julie Alexander

Melissa Jones is a relationship expert and licensed therapist with over 10 years of experience helping couples and individuals decode the secrets to happier and healthier relationships. She holds a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and has worked in a variety of settings, including community mental health clinics and private practice. Melissa is passionate about helping people build stronger connections with their partners and achieve long-lasting happiness in their relationships. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, practicing yoga, and spending time with her own loved ones. Through her blog, Decode Happier, Healthier Relationship, Melissa hopes to share her knowledge and experience with readers around the world, helping them find the love and connection they desire.